Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

I went to take a shower a couple days ago about 9:30-10 am (unfortunately, this is the time of day or later that I usually get to taking my care of myself).  I left Jackson watching a PBS show and Abigail was playing with some toys on the floor.  When I got out,  I thought it sounded kind of quite, all I could hear was the TV.  When I went to check on kids, this is what I found.

Here is another cute picture of my little sleeping beauty just waking up that was taken about a month ago.

4th of July

We spent the 4th in Blackfoot at my parent's and sister's homes.  It was a nice relaxing day for us.  Jackson was excited for the fireworks because he had seen a few being set off around our neighborhood the previous evening.  We had a BBQ at my parents and then the kids went swimming with their cousins at my sister's house before there was a brief rain shower.  Then we helped churn homemade ice cream and enjoyed eating it.  We had thought about going back to Idaho Falls for the big fireworks show, but ended up staying  around my parent's for a home fireworks show. 

Jackson and cousin, Jeb
Abigail with cousin, Tayloranne
My sister put some warm water in the baby pool for Abigail and pretty soon all the kids were hanging out in that one because it was starting to cool off and get ready to storm.  As you can see it was sitting room only!

I had a kind of scary episode with Abigail during the swimming.  She is very much a mommy's girl right now and tends to get even more clingy to my when we are around more people. Anyway, I gave her to my  mom while I helped get Jackson dried off.  She started crying as I expected, and then holding her breath.  She had done this a little before, but always started breathing again before too long.  This time she really started turning blue.  She was blue around the eyes and blue from her nose to her chin.  I took her back from my mom and I think she passed out briefly because she went a little limp although she never really went completely unconscious.  She just laid in my arms for a while and then seemed to me fine.  Kind of a scary thing for a mom though.  Hope she doesn't make a habit of doing this. 

Here is a picture of Abigail I took at the beginning of that day in her 4th of July outfit.  

Summer Fun

So summer has been a long time in coming to Southeast Idaho.  After raining much of June we are glad for some warm summer temps so we can enjoy being outside.  Jackson loves going to the park these days and I love that he has become independent enough to climb up most things on his own and go down the slides.  It makes things a lot easier since I am usually carrying Abigail on my front or back.  Here are a few pictures:

Both the kids love swimming!  This is no surprise for Jackson as he is almost 3, but I wasn't sure how Abigail would take to the water being not quite 1 year old.  Well, the verdict is in and she LOVES it!  We went to a small wadding pool and spray park at the Idaho Falls aquatic center a while ago (unfortunately - I forgot the camera) and Abigail just splashed and splashed.  She didn't even mind getting sprayed in the face.  She like to touch the water streams spaying out and getting sprayed all over in the face.  Too bad I didn't get a picture of this, but here's one of the kids in a small pool at grammy's house.  Abigail's splashing in this one too.

Couldn't resist adding this picture in.  I thought it was just too precious of my little cutie in lounging in the grass.

Potty training

For the past month Jackson has been wearing big boy underwear and we have been attempting potty training.  I had tried a time or 2 prior to this but he just wasn't ready (mom has been more than ready for a while, of course, having 2 in diapers is no fun!).  We have tried many different tactics and I am proud to say that he stays dry most days.  He isn't to the post of telling me when he has to pee but if I take him regularly he will stay dry.  The #2's are a whole different story!  He refuses to poop in the potty.  I have tried a penny jar, candy for pooping, taking away favorite toys and cold showers (one I'm not very proud of, but I was a desperate mom who was willing to try almost anything to get her kid to poop in the potty!)  We are now down to trying 1 m&m for pee and 2 m&m's for poop.  At this point I am just trying to get him to go to the bathroom to poop, even if he doesn't do it on the potty.  Ahhh well, this time shall pass too right.  In the mean time . . . any suggestions I haven't tried?