For the past month Jackson has been wearing big boy underwear and we have been attempting potty training. I had tried a time or 2 prior to this but he just wasn't ready (mom has been more than ready for a while, of course, having 2 in diapers is no fun!). We have tried many different tactics and I am proud to say that he stays dry most days. He isn't to the post of telling me when he has to pee but if I take him regularly he will stay dry. The #2's are a whole different story! He refuses to poop in the potty. I have tried a penny jar, candy for pooping, taking away favorite toys and cold showers (one I'm not very proud of, but I was a
desperate mom who was willing to try almost anything to get her kid to poop in the potty!) We are now down to trying 1 m&m for pee and 2 m&
m's for poop. At this point I am just trying to get him to go to the bathroom to poop, even if he doesn't do it on the potty.
Ahhh well, this time shall pass too right. In the mean time . . . any suggestions I haven't tried?